Chief Bret Murphy became a Spring Creek Volunteer member in 2004. He started in the fire service as a contractor working wildland fires in Northern Nevada, as a field technician keeping all types of fire suppression equipment operational. Being around wildland fires spiked his interest in becoming a volunteer firefighter. At the start of his volunteer career, he had no formal fire service training but had a lot of experience working around wildland fires. Over the years he obtained the training required of all volunteers in the fire service; Structure Fire Fighter, Hazmat Operations, Wildland Fire Fighter, and Emergency Medical Technician. Like most volunteers, he continues to learn and has attended numerous training classes and has obtained countless certifications.
As Chief, he continually pushes for current and relevant training and encourages volunteers to work hard and train as if it were the real thing. His mantra is “Stay Safe and Watch Out for Others”. Chief Murphy’s full-time job is Dean of Business and Technology at Great Basin College where he has been employed since 1984.